
Who we are?

We are a team passionate about delivering the highest quality training in Microsoft Teams and O365 with creativity and innovation based on our extensive experience in the Digital Classroom.

Why Dilepex?

Our comprehensive support – from core functionalities to subject focussed – will accelerate the development of teaching and learning through the efficient application of digital pedagogy.

Your digital transformation

Our training support provides a longer term strategy to succeed with MS Teams for education. It highlights the benefits of using productivity tools in achieving a highly cost-effective channel of communication and collaboration.

Seamless transition
Our CPD certified training allows teachers to gain confidence and embrace new ways of working. It facilitates a smooth integration of the full suite of Teams distinctive tools, enhancing the quality and value provided to their students.
Efficiency gains
Maximise efficacy by automating frequently performed tasks to save time and costs by easing teacher workload. A centralised approach optimises teachers non-teaching time and engages every student in innovative methods of learning.

Learning with our experts

Our training providers are experienced teachers who themselves have successfully integrated digital technology in all their subject areas across different key stages and year groups.

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Libero non ultrices vitae nulla. In
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Libero non ultrices vitae nulla. In
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