About us

Transforming teaching and learning. Empowering teachers and students across the education sector.

At Dilepex, we recognise that by integrating technology we are able to facilitate schools, and educational institutions, in innovating and delivering smart, specific training to not only the teachers, but also to those who they serve on a daily basis – students and parents.

Our aim is to drive student engagement and focused learning in a hybrid learning environment. Every school desires agility, efficiencies and the tools to enhance and satisfy the need for academic excellence, with the primary objective of outstanding learning experiences and outcomes for all its students. There is a strong demand for collaboration, accessibility and teacher time-saving solutions.

Our Microsoft Teams and Class Notebook training enables you to enjoy the benefits of enhanced productivity, collaborations, data insights and automation. We provide the training needed to produce outcomes desired while realising greater value. This will generate further innovative students’ engagement, transform school strategies and empower you to reimagine the world of education.

Digital Pedagogy

As teachers, we are aware that many schools and educational institutions had to implement digital pedagogy without notice. Currently it’s not being used efficiently. We will support you in getting the most out of the tools you may already have at your disposal.

Education has evolved. Students connecting remotely, learning in distinct approaches and demanding more from technology. In current learning environments, teachers must look to advance from conventional classrooms to the application of digital pedagogy. And all of this must be done on stretched/reduced budgets.

The benefits


Digital intelligence ensures that students have the essential skills and ingenuity to satisfy demands of an ever-evolving digital world.

They know how to effectively use technology, giving them greater confidence to navigate around it.


The application of technology helps save time and provides much higher standards of teaching and learning.

It enables every teacher to deliver exciting and engaging lessons and inspire students to make the most progress possible.


Technology offers an agile platform for innovation whilst supporting the efficient running of your school.

It provides key insights to students academic progress and their well-being through tracking, monitoring and evaluation.

Learn with us ...

Online training videos

Expert training providers

Subject specific focus

Learn at your own pace

Professional certification

Sharing good practice

... and address the challenges

Offer excellent time-saving and collaborative training, despite stretched budgets

Improve digital learning and enable your students to gain the necessary digital skills

Enable diversity, accessibility and inclusion within all areas and aspects of school life

Adapt to all the curriculum updates and the pressure for grade improvements

Our ethos

With many years of combined experience in education - in IT and in teaching roles - our expert understanding of the need for successful integration of digital pedagogy in today’s teaching and learning is simply unparallel. We were part of an institution which was shortlisted for the world’s best school prize for innovation.

The Dilepex team is cherry-picked because we have the desire, emotional intelligence, and personality to thrive in fast-paced and innovative learning environments. Ingenuity and hard work are at the heart and soul of each of our employees, and in everything that we do.

We work in collaborative environments, where the creative and strategic minds synchronise. We are constantly learning and training to be fully up-to-date with education’s best practises. We intend to influence behaviours, enhance ways of working, and free up your people to do more of what matters to them.

The Executive team

Sue Standen
Morne Hoffman
Maaz Khan
Get in touch

Arrange an initial conversation with one of our digital learning pedagogy experts

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